

“Water is the flow of all things. The emotional body, intuition, creativity, and a call to heal or help is indicative of aligned water energy. The archetype is the moon that pulls on the tide as a reminder that all of life has phases. Consider the element of water in building and trusting the natural flow of things whether in a class format or for the creative process.” - Lauren Pacione


“When water is not balanced irritability, the tendency to take things too personally, fears of abandonment and self doubt can come on like a tidal wave. Start your day with fresh alkaline water, and encourage the same for students joining class. Create a ritual in shower of connecting to the waters of the earth. Be conserving of the waters you use to respect the environment.” - Lauren Pacione


To learn more and traverse the intricacies of the elements, deepen your relationship to your internal environment and evolve your role as healer-student please contact writer, Lauren Pacione CPT, RYT, Ecotherapist.

Lauren Pacione is initiated in shamanic arts, serves in healing education, a tenure of mentorship for healers, coaches, therapists and those called to walk their Soul path on Earth.

Connect@laurenpacione.com | @laurenpacione.etc | Laurenpacione.com

Explore the depths of

the ocean that is you.

What is your ripple effect in the world?

“We are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Be kind and do good for any one and that will be reflected. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.” - Amit Ray, Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Lifestyle

Continue Exploring the Water Element